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One of the many benefits of your PNAnw membership is being able to make yourself available to be a Substitute for other members in other chapter locations across the Pacific Northwest.

If you have the time and availability and want to make yourself known as an available Substitute for when other members have something come up in life, work. etc., then please fill out the form and PNAnw will add you to the growing list.

What is 7+4?

* This listings source for PNAnw Substitutions is for Members only. Once contacted, Members are not required to fulfill obligations of a Substitution Request, but are encouraged to do so based on their own stated availability and/or willingness to travel when needed.

PNAnw Membership Substitutes

<< UPCOMING LIST OF PNAnw Approved Member Substitutes >>

NameEmailPhone #Member's Current PNAnw Chapter & Category HeldWhat DAYS are you available to be Member Substitution??Which Time Frame can you Sub for?
Laura BuzardEmail2065018079Shoreline - Communications ExpertMondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays FridaysAM's / 7:30-8:30am AM's / 8-9am
Sarah MarchandEmail8087822905Mortgage LenderMondays Wednesdays Thursdays FridaysAM's / 8-9am AM's / 9-10am PM's / 12-1pm
Jordan KuhnEmail3607702100Mukilteo - Business Coach ( Pro. EOS Implementer)Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays FridaysAM's / 7:30-8:30am AM's / 8-9am AM's / 9-10am PM's / 12-1pm
Stitch MitchellEmail206.3694228Snohomish Radio and digital marketingMondays Tuesdays Wednesdays FridaysPM's / 12-1pm
Joe LoutsisEmail2068176331Bothell Real Estate BrokerTuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays FridaysAM's / 7:30-8:30am AM's / 8-9am AM's / 9-10am PM's / 12-1pm
Marcelle AllenEmail3604209966Digital PNAMondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays FridaysAM's / 7:30-8:30am AM's / 8-9am AM's / 9-10am PM's / 12-1pm