Welcome to Professional Networking Association, Northwest.
We’re the fastest growing business networking organization in the Pacific Northwest. Welcome to networking done right.
What We Offer
PNAnw, LLC was created by its original founders by learning from other groups what NOT to do. The #PNAway business model is to network effectively, run positive and supportive meetings, have member & guest commercials, quality presentations, create engagement with speech break-outs, benefit from testimonials, earn referrals & have fun.
Due to our chapters having the closed-category model; when prospecting chapters to potentially join, please check to see if the type of business you represent is already filled where you visit.
If your business category isn’t available, please consider visiting another location that has an opening. You can also contact us and we’ll let you know when/if your category opens up in any of our locations! Category exclusivity is a benefit of PNAnw membership!

COVID Status
Most chapters are back to meeting in person. However, some still remain on zoom. Visit Chapter pages to get updated info as to when and where!
Member Documents
Need to access one of our downloadable documents for yourself or a member? Download all necessary files to make your Chapter meetings run.
Member Expectations
Please take the time to read and consider our Terms & Conditions for membership. At PNAnw, we take the member experience seriously.
Start a Chapter
Are you interested in opening a PNAnw Chapter in your local demographic? Click through here to read through our PNAnw Chapter Charter requirements
We're thankful to be experiencing a boom of growth in 2024, and have a goal chapter(s)-wide of being at a minimum of 15-20 members per location; aside from already welcoming in 2 new chapters and 3 more coming before the end of the year!
Please consider visiting a chapter that fits your demographic and see what all the excitement is all about.
Click through any of our “Active” chapters in the Pacific Northwest to see the current categories represented. For your convenience, your default view within each chapter page has a list a business categories that each location has shown “interest” in having join!
Meet the Owner
Professional Networking Association was purchased in 2021 by Brian Trendler after almost 2 years worth of planning. Now called PNAnw, LLC, its sole purpose remains the same; the heart of the company is to connect like-minded business owners through camaraderie, opportunities for growth, and to gain exposure to their businesses. Bonus points for having fun doing so as well…
Brian has been a business networker “participant” for 20+ years, and understands fully the value and need for groups like PNAnw to exist. He’s an extreme connector when it comes to PNAnw’s growth plans in 2024 and beyond; already increasing the number of chapters to 13 in the Pacific Northwest. Chapter “health” this year is also key; as the goal of 15+ members per location brings in exciting new blood and new business types. These concentrated growth efforts increases new and exciting networking opportunities for greater exposure, syndication and reach.
Brian’s energy, enthusiasm for PNAnw’s standards of excellence, and willingness to serve PNAnw’s members is the perfect recipe for success. Have questions about PNAnw? – Please connect with Brian via the Contact Page or social medias listed there.
PNAnw offers maximum online exposure to its members, and ongoing education on the value of networking, referrals, and much more!
Let's Connect
If you would like to learn more about what PNAnw, LLC has to offer your business, please reach out. Allow up to 2 business days for us to respond.
If you are eager to join, please visit our Membership Application page and fill out to the best of your ability. You do not have to register a sponser to submit an application for membership. However, have those references ready. We pride ourselves in vetting our applicants and take what others say about “you” very seriously!