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Interested in helping Charter a new PNAnw Chapter in your area? Here’s your “need to know” list of what it takes to become part of the fastest growing business networking organization in the Pacific Northwest.

Expand your Network, and your Net-WORTH.

Minimum Group Size

  • 6 Businesses/Individual members to get started, preference is between 6-8 committed members who have already been a guest at another chapter to experience a meeting, and/or been part of #thePNAnwWay 30 minute presentation
  • Any interested potential members can be directly referred to owner, Brian Trendler, with an email introduction to

Venue Requirements

  • CURRENTLY – All PNAnw chapters are meeting via a mix of ZOOM and/or Face-to-Face now in 2024. The decision to meet in person or not is up to each chapter to decide through a democratic vote.
  • Post-Pandemic / Free venues such conference rooms, etc., with private, closed rooms are preferred due to growth needs and speaker presentations, etc
  • Free or minimal expense venues makes the barrier to enter a business networking chapter low and accessible, thereby more attractive to visitors
  • Facility should be able to support 20+ members ideally, absolute minimum of 10

Meeting length, time and day

  • We pride ourselves in being a successful AM group. This is not a requirement, but it is encouraged. Historically, AM groups are more successful and survive longer than “Lunch” groups.
  • Evening groups are not allowed.
  • All chapters begin at: 8am / Monday-Friday, meet weekly, and last for 60 minutes.

PNAnw Officer Roles to Fill

Ideally, a PNAnwElite Member Ambassador (assigned by PNAnwCenteral for 1 year term). This Elite member holds President role for 1st initial calendar year to support PNAnw members, lead by example, motivate growth, etc. Elite member is an experienced PNAnw member and will retain membership in his/her/their current “home chapter.”

  • Vice President
  • Membership Coordinator (optional for groups under 15, mandatory for 15+)
  • Secretary

Geographic Location

There are currently 8 total chapters throughout the Pacific Northwest. Technically there are no limitations as to where a location can be chartered. With this being said, it’s best to market within a 5-10 mile radius from each chapter for member growth.

Historically, businesses will not travel further to attend a weekly network meeting. Simply bring your location and demographic information to PNAnw Central and we’ll work with you to see if we can get you started.

Understanding Category Protection

Each PNAnw location is a “Closed Category” group, meaning there is only one representative per business type in each chapter. This exclusivity means members have a unique experience to earn over time all category-related referrals from within that group. However, it doesn’t end there; if your business itself is unique, you have the ongoing ability to connect and network with other Chapters to expand your business presence!

In 2022, we opened our first 100% online, DigitalPNA chapter. This chapter follows a new model that, while most of the meeting reflects a brick & mortar model; it’s OPEN Category, covers the entire state of Washington, and has members in other states as well.

Categories to Consider

  • Auto/Home Insurance
  • Accident / DUI Attorney
  • Commercial Banker
  • Personal/Biz Banker
  • Anti-aging / Nutrition
  • Computer Repair
  • Business Attorney
  • Attorney
  • Dentist
  • Cert. Public Accountant
  • Auto Mechanic
  • Electrician
  • Presentation Coach
  • Bankruptcy Attorney
  • Employee Benefits
  • Financial Advisor
  • Bookkeeper
  • General Contractor
  • Mortgage Broker
  • Business Coach
  • Graphic Design
  • Real Estate Broker
  • Business Marketing
  • Health Insurance
  • Travel Agent
  • Carpet Cleaning
  • HVAC Services
  • Wellness Supplements
  • Chiropractor
  • Massage Therapist